201.货物监管证书申请表 goods control certificate
202.商品检验申请表 application for inspection certificate
203. 原产地证书申请表application for certificate of origin,
204. 原产地申明 declaration of origin
205. 地区名称证书 regional appellation certificate
206. 优惠原产地证书 preference certificate of origin
207.危险货物申报单 dangerous goods declaration
208.出口统计报表 statistical document, export
209.国际贸易统计申报单 intrastate declaration
210. 交货核对证明 delivery verification certificate
211. 进口许可证申请表application for import license,
212.无商业细节的报关单 customs declaration without commercial detail
213.有商业和项目细节的报关单 customs declaration with commercial and item detail
214.无项目细节的报关单 customs declaration without item detail
215. 有关单证 related document
216.调汇申请 application for exchange allocation
217.调汇许可 foreign exchange permit
218.进口外汇管理申报 exchange control declaration (import)
219.内销货物报关单 goods declaration for home use
220.海关即刻放行报关单 customs immediate release declaration
221. 海关放行通知 customs delivery note
222.到港货物报关单 cargo declaration (arrival)
223.邮包报关单 customs declaration (post parcels)
224. 增值税申报单 tax declaration (value added tax)
225. 普通税申报单 tax declaration (general)
226. 催税单 tax demand
227. 禁运货物许可证 embargo permit
228. 海关转运货物报关单 goods declaration for customs transit
229. TIF国际铁路运输报关单 TIF form
230. TIR国际公路运输报关单 TIR carnet
231. 欧共体海关转运报关单 EC carnet
232. EUR1欧共体原产地证书 EUR 1 certificate of origin
233.ATA 暂准进口海关文件 ATA carnet
234. 欧共体统一单证 single administrative document
235. 海关一般回复 general response (Customs)
236. 海关公文回复 document response (Customs)
237. 海关误差回复 error response (Customs)
238. 海关一揽子回复 package response (Customs)
239. 海关计税/确认回复 tax calculation /confirmation
response (Customs)
240. 配额预分配证书 quota prior allocation certificate
241. 最终使用授权书 end use authorization
242. 政府合同 government contract
243. 进口统计报表 statistical document, import
245. 跟单信用证开证申请书 application for documentary credit
246. 先前海关文件/报文 previous Customs document/message
247. 一致性证书 certificate of conformity
248. 测试报告 test report
249. 产品性能报告 product performance report
250. 产品规格型号报告 product specification report